beginning with why...



Asking why–who–how before deciding what to do, easily doubles our personal effectiveness—pulling people towards a bigger sense of purpose. This multiplier effect grows exponentially when exercised across teams, organisations, communities—wherever people learn and work together.

When people answer these 4 big questions in everything they do, they generate focus, commitment and breakthrough results—today and sustainably into the future...

why do we need to change?

who needs to do something differently?

how will we help people align and commit?

who needs to do what by when?

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Change efforts typically begin with what questions...

Answering what questions drives action—and activity is positive. Unfortunately, several messy problems can arise with this approach. People are busy—but they are moving in different directions, resources are diverted into endless initiatives that have questionable benefits, and early momentum washes away as old habits resurface.

Consider this common what approach—we decide to give people new tools (investment capital, budgets, plans, communications, financial incentives, analytics, reports, training, procedures, equipment, software, and, and, and)—and we believe when people use these new tools, they will deliver improved results.

We get busy rolling-out (pushing) a long list of initiatives and monitoring how well they are being implemented. And then, for many reasons, they don't quite deliver the improvements we promised. This is because people commit to implementing an initiative and 'doing what I am told'—rather than committing to deliver improved results. Equally important, we never asked them what support they need to deliver improved results.

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Successful change begins with why questions—and the best why answers inspire bold action.

When our why answers are highly-focused and use inspiring, easy-to-understand language—people instinctively know what they can do to help, how to get started, and how to continuously fine-tune their approach as everyday challenges arise.

inviting people into a bigger and better future builds momentum and sustains change over the long-term.

inviting the right people means we need to ask who questions—who needs to do something differently to deliver the results we want? Who are the key influencers that will help others support the change? Who is ready to get started—making new ideas work?

inviting people to help shape how the new direction will unfold builds alignment and commitment.

why do we need to change?

who needs to do something differently?

how will we help people align and commit?

who needs to do what by when?

LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR 4 big questions...