4 CONDITIONS FOR personal best performance...

In business and in life, highly effective people are not hard to recognize. They are marked by the ability to seize their potential and to release potential in those around them. They inspire people to give their all, not because they have to, because they want to.

We often focus on the behaviours of great leaders—what they do—without asking why they lead as they do. When leaders appear to focus only on delivering results, people may feel as though they are simply tools for delivering the leader's goals (doing what I am told to do). In contrast, when leaders shift their focus to supporting people in delivering extraordinary results, behaviours instinctively shift—people start believing that results AND their needs are important—pride in performing at their personal best.

our talents and abilities

our North Star

our rocket fuel

people and tools we rely on

As leaders, our lives are busy, demanding and full of ambiguity. There are hundreds of books and competency models describing great leaders—well-intended and sometimes difficult to remember. Consider this powerful and easy-to-remember alternative...

creating the conditions for others to excelknow, able, equipped and want...


  • personal attributes
  • skills and knowledge
  • experience
  • well-being


  • personal motivation
  • value-adding work / career
  • value-adding leadership
  • feedback and recognition
  • fit with organisational culture


  • our purpose, values and goals
  • where we are headed and why
  • how we create value
  • how we know we are winning

personal best

a specific task, role, team
or an entire organisation
(including customers and suppliers)


  • tools, equipment, procedures, processes, systems, information
  • people, budget and assets
  • authority and time